Instance map
Instance map
- opened only on Monday (for limited hours) for example as no events this day
- can be entered only once per event (to make it harder)
- to enter you need to get drop scroll from mob (all mobs drop) or instance key drop
- inside instance is random dungeon / unused map that can be used
- entrance is from ML teleport spot that is not in use
- in instance you can find various mobs scrop <-> tw
- in the end of the dungeon / maze w-e instance map, you will have to face
stronger mob, f.ex zerked wyvern
- if final mob is killed the gold chest can be killed to gain various loot
- slates are prohibited to be used in instance and will reset upon entering instance
- activates are prohibited
Would be intresting something like this to complete and gain some loot, which would be hard to complete