Spontaneous quests

  • updated
  • They appear after 1 hour of continuous playtime of the character, as a blue scroll in the top left corner of the screen.
  • They expire after 1 hour, whether they were completed or not. If the character was online for that hour it receives a new one.
  • Each char receives one at random
  • They don't need confirmation nor require a npc to be claimed


  • Kill 1 Hc at ML. Reward 10 contri 1 token 1 mstone
  • Kill 1 tw at ib. Reward 10 contri 1  token 1 xstone
  • Kill 5 nizies at ib. 10 contri 1 token 1 emmy ring
  • Kill 10 gargoyles at maze (during apocalypse). 10 contri 1 token 1 Dragon ring
  • Get 3 enemy kills. 3 tokens 30 contri
  • Destroy 5 bronze chests at ML. 10 contri 1 token 1 grand mage ring
  • Kill 10 liches at dungeon L3. 10 contri 1 token 1 mstone 
  • Build 3 structures (only appear during sade and ctr). 10 contri 1  token 1m exp
  • Kill 15 beholders at toh1. 10 contri 1 token 1m gold

And more can be added. The idea is to reward constant activity (afkers as well cause why not) and create movement in unusual places (outside pits).

Remco Althuis

The idea is good - the rewards are too high

20 contribution 1 token is enough