Every1 knows balance is an issue that will have no solution atleast in the short term. So i bring u a new option for raiding/hunting that will not depend so much in the current balance.
Its a map which has nice pits to hunt, dds, ggs, maybe a couple of hc and tw, but it has the issue that any1 can fight you over the pit, where party wont be a thing ( you can always use safe mode for FF). *Maybe you could use party for exp, but it wont show on map ur the ppl from your city, and that handy stuff we have nowadays thanks to the party system*
With this we could atleast find a decent way to hunt even if my city sucks, you only need to find a good team to hold a pit in the map. (Even if you cant it would make the pits in other maps less demanded)
Later on we could discuss how the guild system could help in this, without having massive guilds controlling every pit in the map.
(Every1 has that fker they hate but the new crimi system makes it impossible to retaliate to some1 jumping your drops for example)
Lets make this a thing and have some FREE4ALL FUN