New Players Protection

  • updated

As we all know  player with lv 140 dont stand chance with RB+20 or even +5.
Idea is to create system with would protect new players. Those with +10 RB should not get EK on players without RB. as obviusly we dont stand chance.
Plus that would easy new players from quiting before they start. and we could farm in "peace"
Obviusly some more exp players can find proper balance to it, of what would be suitable gap between 140lv and RB lv's. Just the though

Chris Clair

And what if these players under protection aid their town in pvp? It’s a fair idea, however it will be abused

Hernán Martínez

Also experienced players could abuse it by creating 140 rb0s for farming. Help for new players should be approached differently I think.


Rb is less relevant than the gear


maybe it's not possible to do it in a game as old as hellbreath. but a solution would be to put a gearscore system.

I am also a new player. and although I know that the game is like that. I have always found very sad the people who dedicate themselves to systematically killing new people knowing the clear advantage they have