Minor Disadvantages required for Major towns
Minor Disadvantages is required for Major towns.
Major towns can easily clear CTRs, crusades, abbadon so easily that it is almost pointless for the minor town to join.
Easy CTR - 150ares vs 50elvs
Easy Crusades - People basically fights in shops only.
Easy Abbadon - 250ares vs 40elvs, kills abbadon in 40mins and get many rares.
Some disadvantages should affect either town with Major difference in active players.
Decrease percentile PVP damage / drop rates / sp/hp/mp rec delays.
Create a P*ssy disadvantage debuff with titles that cannot be remove until the debuff ends.
First 150days or till the town becomes even or smaller town of debuff effects upon joining the "bigger" town
Decrease percentile PVP damage / drop rates / sp/hp/mp rec delays or even muting them.
And of cause for now, Aresden will thumbs down on this. Since they have been in super advantage for months.
you are a special person
lets say this went into effect, next month now mass elv instead of mass ares, you would cry cause of debuff lololol
you must be new here, every other month it is mass elv, then mass ares, then mass elv, etc... that is why we should just get rid of town change scroll, go upvote it