Underworld Dungeon

  • updated

New map, accessed by the teleport next to frogs pit at t3. The map itself is just dungeon L2, but with some very unique features:

  • Upon entering, Aresden citizens appear on d2 Ares ent, elvs on d2 elv ent.
  • The map has two merchants at each entrance and 5-6 more scattered randomly everywhere else. They can repair your stuff and they sell two important things: pots and torches.
  • Why torches are important? Because the map is all black. Without a torch you cannot see clearly what's in front of you, the screen is pretty much grey, enemy circles don't appear, spell cast letters don't appear as well - anything you have to "see" to know, disappears. Torches, when lit, last for 5 minutes and they let you see 6-7 tiles from your character's position (you and anyone else within your torch range).
  • Mobs are all tier 7+, wild and berserked
  •  Minimap works normally if you have a torch lit, without it it's grey or it doesn't work.
  • Chests are announced normally but they don't appear at the minimap at all. They are like t3 chests (without the beholders one)

Reasoning: I wanted a map that was both challenging and pve oriented. Being so big and with the torch issue, it's not easy to fight on it, and you can hide easily. No pits so nowhere to find players, though you have to have a couple torches if you want to hang out for some time inside.