Contribution / EK / Majestic Scrolls for easier trading
People often sell their contribution, majestics and EK's to other guilds. However, this typically requires you to leave your current guild, join the new guild, donate the agreed amounts, quit the guild and re-join your original guild. On top of that, there's the sketchy part where you need to trust the counter party to pay or donate after you've already done your part.
Some might say, this will entice people toward selling their cont/eks/maj instead of donating it to their own guild but I'd argue that if they're inclined they're going to do it anyway. It's on the guild to foster the desire from their members to contribute back into it. This is a quicker, safer, easier way to make these transactions happen.
100% agreed. Would have to be something like whoever double clic the scroll to get eaten goes directly into the GUILD and not the character. Maybe only the Guildmaster can do it and the donations are assigned as what? Could be "Guild Purchases" to see statistics? I can see people buying EK tickets to get fullhero instead