Debuff at safes

  • updated

A lot of times you are chasing a man that just run into safe, after this you only can cloud kill/IS the safe zone triying to kill him. But with those sets of the most of players, you cant die at safe, specially 200 vit chars. This is absurd situation, 10 players spamming ds/mim/inhi/CK/IS/HF and the player cant die.

My proposal to solve this:

A debuff start at min 2-3 after being at safe. It give you a penalty of regen hp/mana/sp that will be increasing the longer time you stay at safe. If you want to take off this debuff, you need to stay 5s out of the safe, and it turn it off. Ofc change maps will not reset it, because you are still at safe.



I keep freaking out that people don't support this idea (or something similar), when it's a tremendously unfair situation that I end up seeing in every game session, both for me and against me.