Balance to the ordinary hammers ( BH & BBH ) increase their base damage by 1 as well

  • updated


With the new patch giving warhammer a base damage of 16, i find BH(base 17) & BBH(base 18) becoming completely neglected.

I tested on guards and a warhammer did 22 constant damage each hit, a battlehammer did 24 & barbarian hammer 26 & with warhammer being a 1 hander i cannot wrap my mind about why buffing the warhammer alone, without buffing BH & BBH's.

There are 2 attributes to hammer that is special, its removing endurance on hit & stripping people.

A warhammer reduces 8 endurance per hit, BH 12 & BBH 16. ( Bane & GBH 30 ) & the stripping % i dont have the numbers on & hopefully Cleroth can give some insight into this.

Im not sure if its a general % to hammers based on the targets endurance or if each weapon has a different strip % based on target endurance.

A warhammer has 143str for fullswing, whilst BH 182 & BBH 195, yet their base damage is almost equal with one of them being a 1 hander.

The base damage of GIS,B AXE & BH are the same even tho they difference in str to max swing.

Hammers should have the highest dps in general, without taking crush dmg in consideration because they invest STR which reduces their defence as well as offensive( in terms of HR).


I feel that BH specifically and BBHs get equalized to warhammers, making them much less wanted.

You don't see this is any other weapon category, the equalise of 1 & 2 handers.


Simply increase their base damage by 1 making BH's 18 & BBH's 19 base dmg.

Could also investigate into making them drain more endurance on hit


I really think BH/BBH need a bit of love. Other than people who invested in BH/BBH weapons, no one would use one (not talking about rare hammers). Players with hammer talent would go for a War Hammer instead, without even thinking twice. The little extra dmg does not justify the STR requirement, not to mention the possibility of using of a shield.


The last thing we need is more damage on bane and gbh and ele hammer

Quote from Onlyfans

The last thing we need is more damage on bane and gbh and ele hammer

This is intended only for ordinary BH/BBH, not rare hammers.

Crate Enthusiast 6000

What a fantastic idea my good man, as long as it doesnt mess with strip I think its a good change. even +2 even for BBH due to STR req... idk


Agree if only BH and BBH.  Warhammer w/ base damage 18 as ancient 1 handed hammer should not be buffed.  BH and BBH seemed lacking though, not sure why.  Xelima + Hammer out of XEL+SS / XEL+LS / XEL+AXE was not nearly as impressive as all the other xelima+melee builds, not sure why exactly...

I tested a CC CD50+4 BBH and couldnt hit crit... with CC CD50+5 GIS / Axe definitely hit over crit with no problem...