Ticket that Reveals Past Character Nicknames
To facilitate the screening process to weed out undesirables (eg. spies or scammers that have changed their nicknames) from a guild, have Screening Tickets available for sale in the cash shop. The Screening Tickets reveals all the past nicknames a character has when it is applied on said character.
To mitigate the concerns on privacy, the following measures can be adopted:
- The ticket can only be purchased by a Guildmaster.
- The ticket can only be applied on a guildmember. This prevents it from being used on random characters on the street.
- When the ticket is applied on a guildmember, he will receive a notification that he has been "screened".
If the above measures are insufficient to address the concerns on privacy, the following can also be adopted, but this would severely reduce the utility of the ticket:
- The information can only be revealed once the character being screened has granted his approval. Failing which, the information is not revealed and the ticket is not consumed.
- Can only be used on new recruits (ie. less than xx days in guild)