Fishing: Return of the Anglers Update & Suggestion for Fishing 2

  • updated

I feel that fishing could be added back in with some small changes to mitigate any abuse.

If the values of items are adjusted downwards, considering fish do not stack its unlikely people will macro it for any gold gain. Will give players something fun to do, and will also be a fun way to get better food than meat. 

Fish contains plenty of Omega 3 as well as other nutrients. Adding it back into the game will do great things for the mental and physical health of the player base. 

Fishing - Return of the Anglers Update:

  • Fishing Rod + Fishing Manual added in to the shop 

Current locations + D3/D4 & TOH2/3

New Loot pool:

  • All existing Fish
    • Safe maps max 50hp fish
    • ML max 60 hp fish
    • T2 / D3 30- 70hp fish 
    • T3/D4 40-80 hp fish
  • Large HP Pots/ Large MP Pots
  • Rubbish (shoes/boots)

Suggestions for Fishing 2:
If you want to add this in, I can work on getting art for the fish and sound effects if they are needed. 

New Minigame:

  • Fish will bite the line and be visible to you, and would be moving around on your line in the pond or grid of tiles that you can fish in
  • You have to click a Ui button to reel the fish closer to you like you do now.
  • There would be a chance of the line breaking (losing the fish and more endurance from the rod) which would depend on:
    • if you go too fast for the size of the fish, 
    • You have a low tier rod, 
    • You have low fishing skill
    • You are not facing the fish (as the fish would move there would be an angle from the player to the fish, greater the angle the more strain on the line)

Manufacturable fishing rods:

  • Silver fishing rod 60% Manu skill
  • Golden Fishing Rod 80% Manu skill
  • Mithril Fishing Rod 90% Manu skill

When fishing rods break the item is destroyed. They should be repairable.

Better quality fishing rods will make it more likely to see higher value fish, and have a higher success rate of catching fish.

Non fish items should have the same probability of appearing regardless of rod..

Loot pool (if macroing is not a concern):

  • All existing Fish (Safe maps should give max hp50 food)
  • HP Pots/MP Pots
  • Rubbish (shoes/boots)
  • All mineable Gems (very low chance)
  • Diamonds, Sapphires, Emeralds and Rubies (very low chance)

Special Fish (Open to suggestions/tweaks This is just a guess at what may work ):

  • Lava Flake (Fire Fish)
    • D3/D4 only
      • Clears Fire debuffs from player. Grants immunity to fire slowdown tick for 30 seconds (Damage still ticks). Reduces fire damage for 30seconds by 10%
  • Blighted Cod (Poison Fish) 
    • TOH2/3 Only
      • Increases Poison resistance by 30% for 30 seconds (effective 85% cure chance, 70% poison resist chance

Existing fish in the game. You can see the health points in poseidon tool

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