Balance Idea
Since people are not willing to switch town because they have lots of advantages on raiding, hunting, better drop rates, events. That’s pretty much the game purpose of Helbreath. People have to switch town willingly. But if people only want full advantages, how to balance it out?
Drop rate penalty when the number of active players [none afk] have exceeded 35% of opposite town. ( The number to be decided by Cleroth but 35% imo seems to be a good number)
1.) penalty amount equivalent to Crusade drop rate bonus
-Means the town with more players have to win Crusade just to stay at normal drop rates. (Which is pretty easy, given the fact that they have much more players)
2.) Drop rate Bonus to town with lesser players.
- Bonus drop rate equivalent to Crusade drop rate bonus
(More Aresden hunters will be willing to switch over because Elvine always have much lesser active players.) The benefits of higher drop rate also means higher chance of getting raid too. Because if this is triggered, it shows that Aresden have more active players at that moment.
Means hunting when you have lesser players, you get high drop rate. High Risk High Reward.
Example, when Aresden/Elvine have 35% more active players, it will trigger the penalty. The trigger will refresh on 15minutes interval to prevent abuse. (based on server time 13:00 / 13:15 / 13:30 (So people will not log into spy account just to activate the penalty) and timezone will not be an issue.
Formula :
Aresden - Elvine/Aresden
If results is negative, formula changes to
Elvine - Aresden /Elvine
Damage/Hit Ratio penalty when the number of active players [none afk] have exceeded 35% of opposite town. ( The number to be decided by Cleroth but 35% imo seems to be a good number)
1.) penalty amount equivalent to CTR damage increase (could be 10% penalty or higher to apply some impact)
- If there are 35% more players on the other side, they can easily clear all raid or hunt team.
Example, when Aresden/Elvine have 35% more active players, it will trigger the penalty. The trigger will refresh on 15minutes interval to prevent abuse. (based on server time 13:00 / 13:15 / 13:30 (So people will not log into spy account just to activate the penalty) and timezone will not be an issue.
Formula :
Aresden - Elvine/Aresden
If results is negative, formula changes to
Elvine - Aresden /Elvine
With this formula, It will need 154 Town A active player to 100 Town B active player in order to trigger the penalty. With 54 more active players on one side I think that is justifiable to have penalty and bonuses. Numbers given are just examples and only applies to active players[none afk] online. And with the 15minutes refresh, abuse of this idea is pretty much impossible. You wont be logging off 15minutes just for 15minutes of advantage during raid or hunt.
And it will be more appealing to make the server balance regardless of timezone.
Refresh timer can be as short as 1minute, if Cleroth can make it possible.
Adding more sugar to it, remove monster spawns on all maps during CTR, Crusades. For Abbadon, remove monster spawn on all maps except maze and abbadon for 1hour or until abby is dead.