Abby Balance
Recently there has been alot of talk about imbalances between towns. At the moment it may be true that Aresden has more players but the implication is that there is this massive gap in power and a lot of it stems from the imbalance in Abby.
The current balance of Abby heavily favors the defending town so once the attacking town is wiped once it is game over for the most part and the only hope the attacking town has is to get into Abby at the last minute and do enough damage to split the drop and this is due to a number of reasons
1. Running back.
Once the attacking town is wiped once it is essentially game over for the majority of abby's I have personally witnessed.
The attacking teams main force will get wiped and slowly run back and get farmed by roaming raid parties in IB and maze since small groups running back are easy EKs for an organized raid group.
The first initial wipe also makes a not insignificant amount quit right there due to the hassle of trying to get back in the first place.
2. Abby Choke
If the attacking team actually gets a appreciable force gathered up again and outside of abby they are usually greated by a large defending team on at the choke in the abby entrance. In practice it is very few and far between the amount of times the defense can break through this choke if they dont go in when abby is already spawned.
Proposed changes.
1. Once the Procella is cleared and Abby is open add a direct portal to procella with a safe area large enough that all of it cannot be covered by IS/CK so the attacking town has a chance to group up for an offensive push.
2. Add different exit's to Abby entrance. Add a bridge to the left and right instead of only having the one at the top leading out. That way the attacking town would have to have 3 separate groups coordinating a hold instead of just needing 2 - 200 vit warriors with merien ready to activate to hold bridge.
3. Maybe? This might be a point of contention but I would personally like to see Abby be given more HP so he is not dead within 1 minute of spawning so the attacking town has a little more time to put on a push. The amount of time required to kill abby really only leaves the attacking towns option to be join in killing abby so they can hopefully split the drops. With increased HP the fight could be more focused on wiping the other town instead of hoping to split drops.
With the other changes in place this could also lead to a major back and fourth between the towns since it would take more time to kill Abby. So, I would also propose along with increasing Abby's HP have his max HP decrease by 1% per minute. This would make it so both towns have time for a back and fourth but would make it so eventually one town would be able to kill him after x amount of time leading to more strategy taking place in the event