Statted bows and arrows


I know someone brought this up 12months ago, and I see that it had zero feedback.

I played in a server while ago that had statted bows and arrows and it brought a nice diversity to the dynamic. Right now there’s only Ele and DE bow to look up to if you’re an archer.

Have bows drop in Ancient, Sharp, Agile, Critical etc but NOT Poison because long range high PD infliction would be a bit OP.

Have ALL bows (from low str to direction bow) drop with status, allowing archer’s build to have flexibility letting them settle with slightly lesser STR in their build if they decide to invest their frags/shard heavily on a lower tier bow.

Jar of Venom - made via Alchemy(50%+) with Scorpion Tail, Snake Teeth, Hellhound’s Tongue and Discoloration Dye.

Poison Arrows (100) - made via Manufacturing (50%+) with 100 Arrows and a Venom Jar, PD is 25 fixed only.

Piercing Arrows (10) - made via Manufacturing (75%+) with 10 Arrows and Unicorn Horn.
