Teleport Redesign - "Call To Arms"

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Previously posted by Cleroth

Image 58

Crate Enthusiast 6000

I feel that the TP should also consume activation, or it should at least block activation for 5-10 mins.

This would stop people from being able to appear out of thin air and activate XR or Meiren shield.

Crate Enthusiast 6000

Feedback on the 10 minute TP delay after being EK-ed:

"If im killed by someone i would love to be able to get tped back to get my revenge. And on the other hand if i kill someone i would also love to get them back on the map angry without checking zems , they might drop lol."

Perhaps it could be removed or reduced to one or two minutes so that raiders or defenders have a better chance to clear the map before more BU comes.

Richard Lim

I think that perhaps to able to call of 1 BU is limiting group play too much. Perhaps able to Call to Arms 3 or 4 guildsmens seems a better compromise. A number not too small to be meaningless and not too great to zerg.

Crate Enthusiast 6000

Another suggestion made was to have veteran ranks able to summon one person, and captains 2 or 3.


Keep what Cleroth proposed, only captains and guild master can tp.

But instead of 2 min cooldown to cast it again make it 20min. This way the "cooldown" is applied to the caster/summoner rather than the players (like it is now).

If a captain "A" tps a veteran "1" they have to wait 20min to cast it again and tp a veteran "2". But any other captain on the same map that doesn't have cooldown can tp veteran "2". 

If veteran "1" dies, he can get tped back by any captain that doesn't have cooldown but only after 2 min of the first tp.

If a captain "A" tps a captain "B" double his cooldown for the next tp (instead of 20min make it 40min).

This is to prevent a captain A to summon a B and B summon a C and so on and so forth suddenly you got 10 active geared captains fighting.