Pretend corpse "nerf"

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Make pretend corpse not work while being para. It feels bad to play as a warrior, land a para and the opponent just drops in the floor removing mob aggro and forcing u to cast a spell (removing para) or having u to cast summon creature (sometimes the placement of the body won't allow the mob to stand on the character)


It is an indirect buff for high vit characters to be able to do that. in D4 or TOH you just run into mass shit and pretend corpse until everything is on the enemy then vis pot and slink away. Makes for very cheesy gameplay

Bzz HB

Pretend Corpse is definitely something that should be reworked. I agree with not being able to do it while paralyzed. I think maybe there should be a cooldown for it similar to invis pots.

Vomk K

A cooldown for Pretend Corpse would be a nice change!

Remco Althuis
Quote from Bzz HB

Pretend Corpse is definitely something that should be reworked. I agree with not being able to do it while paralyzed. I think maybe there should be a cooldown for it similar to invis pots.

In order for it to have a cooldown, it should first have a 100% effect against monsters 

another alternative would be, that it doesn’t work if taken player damage like with recall

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