Majestic Points Convert For Guilds (Make it more usefull but with control) (capped)

  • updated

Make anything to convert a mass of Majestic points on a few EKs or Contri for the guild. Obviously with a cap/max, for example: 5000 mjp > 1000 contri or 40 eks. Max convert for first upgrade 500 contri / 20eks (raidmaster or huntmaster) , it doubles the max with every upgrade, example: Guild with huntmaster level: 3 and raidmaster level 3 can convert a max of: 2000 contribution and 80 eks.

I need to develop that idea a bit more to make it easier to understand for people. 

And these numbers are probally close to end idea but are just examples. 

Here full examples:

lvl 1 huntmaster / raidmaster , capacity convert: 500 contri and 20 eks. total mjp cost: 5000. 

lvl 2 huntmaster / raidmaster , capacity convert: 1000 contri and 40 eks. total mjp cost: 10000.

lvl 3 huntmaster / raidmaster , capacity convert: 2000 contri and 80 eks. total mjp cost 20000.

lvl 4 huntmaster / raidmaster , capacity convert: 4000 contri and 160 eks. total mjp cost 40000.

lvl 5 huntmaster / raidmaster , capacity convert: 8000 contri and 320 eks. total mjp cost 80000.

and continue...