Rework Magic Gems

  • updated

So far we got only 4 gems:

Magic Sapphire (PA)
Magic Emerald (MA)
Magic Ruby (HP)
Magic Diamond (HR)

Would be nice if we can introduce:

Magic "insert name" (MP) gem
Magic "insert name" (DR) gem
Magic "insert name" (MR) gem

In order to not make new sprites, could be the same sprite of the "contrast" gem but in a different color, for example:

Magic Blue Ruby (MP) - its a ruby sprite but with a blueish color.
Magic Red Sapphire (DR) - its a sapphire sprite but with a redish color.
Magic Yellow Emerald (MR) - its a emerald sprite but with a yelowish color.

Crate Enthusiast 6000

As sapphire wares are the most common, these wares could be combined with another ware type to create a new set of gems. Then no new mining loot needs to be added

Sapphire + Diamond = DR Gem
Sapphire + Ruby = MP Gem
Sapphire + Emerald = MR Gem


I would also like to see other stats on global gems such as:

+5-15% EXP
+3% Total HP
+15% SP regen
+6% physical damage (STR angel is 3.2% to base damage)
+8% Magical damage (MAG angel is 4.8% [16 * 0.003])
+50% Gold drop

I'd also like to see more stat options and rare gems for armors. Such as:

+25% EXP
+12 DR
+6% PA
+12% MR
+12% HP
+12% MP