Conditional Character Deletion at any RB
Currently characters that have RB+1 or more can only be deleted via a support request. This adds work for Admin and may take some time. The reason for this method seems clear -- to prevent accidental deletions. An easier way might be to allow deletion of any character as long as specific in-game conditions are met. These checks could also be applied to RB0 characters for consistency and added protection for players.
For example: Any char can be deleted by the player if:
- their frag/shard bank is completely empty
- their mailbox is completely empty
- the character is logged out in the church
These checks would almost certainly prevent 100% of accidental deletions, remove some of the workload for admin and delays for players, with the added benefit of ensuring players don't accidentally blow away frags/shards or mail attachments, which can still happen for RB0 chars and chars deleted by Admin.