Next patch 19.0 ideas (Dont take this like i want all changes)


Changes that the game needs... i put some ideas, not all are correct is only my opinion. Dont take this like i want all this changes, 

Reduce damage a bit (like 10-20%) from "Capture The Relic" event (damage that player gains with less numbers of his city in the event)

Huntmaster & Raidmaster from lvl 7 to 8 gains +1 rank more (from 4 ranks to 5 ranks avaivable) from there +1 every lvl  

New wand: deals up to 35% more dmg when the enemy is under 50% health / ms10 wand / dmg 9 (supposed to be a bit stronger than zwand)

New wand idea 2: deals +1 hit extra on talent spell (example: esw can now hit 7 times) (supposed to be way stronger than zwand)


short sword: 8% to 10% cc / critical hitratio multiplier: from 120% to 125%

fencer: critical hitratio multiplier from 105% to 110% OR 8% from 10% ratio physical & magic hitratio 

hammer: critical hitratio multiplier 135% to 140%

xelima talent: hit ratio from 15 to 20 

zwand: dmg from 7 to 8
kloness wand dmg from 3 to 4

Archer: dark elf bow dmg decreased from 10 to 9 / ele bow dmg decreased from 11 to 10 / skill combo: increased 1,2,3 to 1,2,4 / critical dmg multiplier from 100% to 110%
critical hitratio multiplier from 100% to 105%