Crush absorption / new armor's % to be hit / Tablet piece craft
I propose to add a new item stat in the game called crush absorption (CA). It could work like MA as in CA applies on every armor piece regardless if you have it only on one peace. It could help balance the one hit meta and would also give people new chase items. It would reduce only the extra damage proportion that crush gives. For example if a hit does 100 dmg and 40 of it is crush damage and if acharacter has 50% CA on items it would reduce the 40 to 20. 50% CA would need at least 2(?) items, depends on what is the limit on one item. Overall 50% could be the ceiling.
I would also like to propose new armor's % to be hit. At the moment the chance to hit armor goes like this: Chest - 50% | Legs - 25% | Hauberk - 15% | Helm - 10%. Why not spice it up a little bit and change the numbers to this: Chest - 40% | Legs - 30% | Hauberk - 15% | Helm - 15%. It would also spice up the meta. At the moment you get too much PA with just 2 items, chest and legs. New numbers would still favor chest and legs but also variety. As in there is higher chance to get hit in legs and 30% chance that the helm or hauberk gets the hit.
My last idea is about the tablet pieces. I propose the idea of crafting tablet pieces at the expense of other tablet pieces. For example if I would like to craft RU I would need to spend RD LD LU. At the moment it's too tedious to trade them.