Automatic Mass Party at Login


Hello all, Theta here. Its been a hot minute. Happy to be back. 

The server is looking healthier than ever, and I have loved all the improvements. 

I'm going to take a second to explain that this change would be along the lines of the Rest option in Shop. 

I believe adding this to the game simply improved the overall user experience, added another layer of depth to the game and removed an annoying "Mini Game" you had to play if you wanted to play optimally. No more logging out and back in right at 0 to "Set your time" Now just do it in the shop. Genius, Simple Quality of Life improvement to the game. 

I believe that when you log into the game, you should automatically be in your "Towns Mass Party" 
This would simply be a mass party that every town is already using, but removes your requirement to ask to join. 

Another option would be to have a prompt come up when you log in asking if you want to join the mass party? 

So you can choose, rather than an automatic thing? Throwing ideas around out here.

Imagine logging in, and as an Elv stepping out of the warehouse, and seeing there's a fight at RML because you are already in the party and can see the group fighting on your mini map. You have the option to instantly join the fun or you can do your own thing. You decide to go to DV to see if there is a mass party, and as you enter DV you automatically see the group taking laps. No more needing to join the DV Hunt Party "IS DV ON?!, IS THERE A MASS PARTY?" You are just automatically partied with your town. 

Now clearly, you can leave this party and join a private guild party or personal party with friends, so the flexibility is there. 

But for most new players... I know they are few and far between, but either way. 

If you are new and log in right now, you don't see anyone on your mini map. You don't see the mass pvp party running ML, you don't see the mass party in farm, pl, or where ever hunting. What if you literally don't know how to party, or don't know how to ask... etc etc. Well now you are in the party by default. And you can join a group in any of the zones that have already been created. 

Another option would be to have a prompt come up when you log in asking if you want to join the mass party? So you can choose, rather than an automatic thing? Throwing ideas around out here. 

Just like the "Logout Login Game" to set your times, Joining the already created and always running "Mass Town Party" is just *A Thing You Need to Do", or joining the DV party, etc. 

I think this would be a solid *Quality of Life* change that can be added for new and old players. Its just one less thing to do before I can Play the Game. 

Thanks for the time. Keep up the good work. Cant wait to see what's next. 
