Nerf Mobs
Gargoyle/Demon/Unicorn = [all berzerk] and the specials with more HP = it's wrong that a single person can kill in a pit alone.
putting GGs that come out randomly but that are real AM, meaning that a bower can't kill her alone.
At least put 50 magic absorb on it, let a bower hit it for 20, a magician the same. and that Absorb that is for everything
The same with the pd, that is, the GGS that come out randomly can be anti pd, anti magic but with 50% of ma, and AP with 50% of pa.
so that a person cannot hunt only in 1 pit, even if this modification is applied, add 1 or 2 more GGS to each pit.
Reason for the modification? With this modification you force the players / guilds / parties to hunt together, because they are no longer
He will be able to hunt alone more, nor will they fight over the pits, and no one will be able to hunt alone if a GG comes out MA or anti PD.
This same example from ggs/demon/unicorn goes for the GOLD of t3, IB, D4.
Nowadays anyone with a merien shield and a pd50 makes d4 gold.
and two people with pd make the gold of IB/T3, that needs to be nerfed urgently.
I am all in for anti pd mobs!