Numerical solution for coordinating teamwork in playing at spots!

  • updated

When the mobs are numerised from 1 to (number of mobs on the spot) players could tell each other through microphone something like. for example: im slaying now 4 and 8, you take 9 and 1 which would improve the coordination of actions done.

Players could also work like that all the time. imagine: "im taking 4 5 you take 1 2 3 over". at least there i think would need to be some captain of the spot which gives orders. or maybe the guys together still speak "123 123 over" simultaneously. Or maybe  "i take 1 2 3 you take 4 5 6 and then the next guy says i take 4 5 6 you take 7 8 9. then again i take 7 8 9 you take 1 2 3 In a chain like that. Those can be figured out later. Maybe there would have to be done some tests on how to coordinate in a numerical environment of mobs through microphone.  Maybe there would be some technics on setting which mob is taken. someone could record that and post on yt as a guide. etc.

the number of the mob could be easy to see for example by the hp bar of a mob but seen while not being the cursor on the. There wouyld have to be the trigger turning munbers on and off so when youre alone u can go all easy and just hit the mobs without looking at the numbers. Or go all numbers and figure out "now 1 5 3, then 4 0 2, and maybe later 6 8 7" "we got to left 6 and 4 and let spawn more orcs" etc.

there could be some other uses for numbers too


Maybe make a keybinding for it? The same way as trading rep is ctrl + shift + t? For example:

shift + 1 + mouse over enemy = places a 1 above the enemy
shift + 2 + mouse over enemy = places a 2 above the enemy

e.t.c all the way up to 5

Would 5 markers be enough? if not then you can add more with alt key:

alt + 1 + mouse over enemy = places a 6 above the enemy
alt + 2 + mouse over enemy = places a 7 above the enemy

e.t.c all the way up to 10


sorry, i meant pits. not spots