New Daily Quest System. PveCoins and PvpCoins.
I think we need a new system of daily quests to encourage people to enter daily and do them.
Currently I would say that not even 50% of the server does any daily quest.
The idea would be more dynamic quests with better rewards that people even if they are not bored of the game or with little desire to enter even 30min or 1 hour and do not forget the game.
Quest A : PvP > Kill 5 player. Reward: 10 pvpcoins Whit a new table with special reward for pvp.
Quest B : PVE : Kill 5 TW. Reward: 50 pvecoins. With a new table with special reward for pve.
Quest C : PVE : Kill 5 HC. Reward: 25 pvecoins
Only 1 quest Pvp and 1 quest pve daily, can add much more quest
Yes we definitely need way more challenging quests and with better rewards as well. Grinding tokens gets a bit old, even though they are definitely useful, it still the same tokens every time
I be even in favor of opening a reputation system like world of Warcraft. Become exalted with D4 - T3 - ML etcc and gain some extra perk