Temporary RB levels past RB+20 which decays over time
As more players reaches RB +20, new players will eventually struggle find mass parties to level up. Back maps will also become a ghost town eventually.
Proposed Solution:
Players can earn temporary RB level beyond RB+20 (proposed cap at RB+25). The temporary RB level will decay over time by 1 level per week( eg. an RB+22 player will become RB+21 next week). In doing so, there will be continual utilisation of back maps and new players will always be able to find people to RB with them.
To incentivise players to gain temporary RB levels beyond +20, bonus XP earn rate can be implemented for players pursuing temporary RB levels. The bonus earn rate decreases as more temporary RB level is attained with the final temporary RB level (ie. RB+25) receiving no bonus and have the same XP earn rate as RB+20.
To clarify, I’m only suggesting the concept. The decay rate/frequency, level cap, bonus xp earn rate etc, will all have to be fine tuned subsequently. I do not have the data to prescribe an appropriate value for these factors to be implemented.