Merien Shield is O/P

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Merien shield needs a nerf. 

Reducing the up-time of MerShield to 15 or 20 seconds, and/or tripling its cool-down period would be great starts. Or make it behave like Spike Field, where each step taken during activation does damage to the wearer.

No player should be god-like, ever. Everything about this server is set up to promote EKs, and then there's MerShield which gives 1 FULL minute of invincibility. A minute is an eternity in this game -- enough for 3 or 4(?) Paralyze cycles!! With MerShield they can stand in the middle of a base in Crusade, in CK or IceStorms, with 15 towers, 20 beetles, and a whole town attacking them, and they are untouched, meanwhile taking down multiple mana collectors. That's a farcical amount of power for a single, inexpensive item with very low usage requirements. Or a player is being mauled by enemies, para'd and headed for certain death, except for this one item that requires no skill to use and has no vulnerabilities or downsides. Players escape certain death over and over as a result.  It's out of place on this server where everything else has been done to eliminate cheap-and-easy escapes. 


But you cannot attack while using activation.... if anything the PA on merien shield should be reduced... activation is fine.  You are sacrificing an offensive cooldown of 20mins if you use it -- and sometimes merien plate armor activation is better because you can still attack.  

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