New event: The God's stories

  • updated
  • Triggers each Sunday on three different times.
  • Max duration 1 hour.
  • Aresden vs Elvine whole town cooperative event.
  • When the event starts, several "ghosts" are placed throughout all helbreath pvp maps. They can be anywhere where pvp might happen (D2/3/4, T1/2/3, ib, ml). Each ghost holds a piece of the ancient crusade story. There are six pieces of the story and each city only has to find the ghost once for the piece to be unlocked for everyone else of that town.
  • When a town finds all their pieces, they need to go to the cityhall officer to tell him the story, but the pieces will be unordered so they have to be ordered first. There are several different stories that will be rotating each week to make the event somewhat different each time.
  • Each town can only see their own ghosts but they can kill whoever is looking for ghosts of course.
  • Event reward: -5% damage taken from enemies, teleport to DV from ch