Fencer Status and little buff

  • updated

Last patch fencer was the most nerfed class, cad damage isnt at all a great nerf but was a significant nerf and kloness esterk nerf was a big nerf to this weapon being fencer.

Change on Fencer: critical hit ratio from 105% to 110% ( adding a bit more hr on kloness esterk and a bit of help on criticals hit with sabre. is not to much from 105 to 110 is a only a bit , and Merien neck buff balance that a bit too.

The wisest thing I've heard anyone say here. I was going to suggest this too. 
If the problem with the fencer is the fact that it casts a shield - remove this 
feature then. We as good fencers are tired of not killing anyone in the game and 
still getting the fame of the SS PD who can PvP and train. There are many ignorant 
people who don't know the difference between SS PD and Fencer PD. To them all are 
Fencers. They keep asking to nerf Fencing but they are actually asking to nerf SS. 
The craziest thing about the story is that Fencer is always nerfed and SS is not. 
It actually gains bonus damage. The only chance the fencer had to bother anyone was 
with the KE. Annoy.... annoy...now even this the fencer doesn't have anymore. Look 
at the large amount of KEs that are being sold because of a thoughtless move. You 
have to increase the bonus on KE and fencing and nerf the SS. I repeat Cleroth 
- there is a player who doesn't know the difference between SS and Fencing. They 
ask to nerf Fencing but are asking for SS.

So give them more damage then🤷‍♂️ 90% of pd users are hunters. In t3 it’s very rare aoe damage matters. In d4 it’s more common but if you have more than 3 people in mid you’re not going to be taking advantage of aoe damage often. Fencers do less damage, and take more damage. Their swing is slower, hits for less, and they take more damage because of shield loss. 

Jere Rivero
Quote from Slapntickl

Best way to balance fencer is just remove shield loss. If they are going to keep the cad loss, then it’s only fair they gain SOMETHING. 

Probally a good way to balance shield loss skill is: Removed 50% shield skill / Added: physical absorption reduced by 3% when facing your oponent with a shield. So this way will make no surprise damages and still having a nerf for cast with shield


Best way to balance fencer is just remove shield loss. If they are going to keep the cad loss, then it’s only fair they gain SOMETHING.