Bring back value to Manu again and modify enchantment

  • updated

Enchantment obviously killed manu.

This is bad for HB economy.

Manufacturing is supposed to stimulate trade economy, foot traffic to mines (hence more pvp actions etc), giving the world of Helbreath a healthy ecosystem boost. Right now other than few people going for Magic Items 9-10%, there is absolutely no value in manufactured items. With that being said.. I propose the following:

Manufactured armor will have 3 sockets

Manufactured helm will have 2 sockets

Merien upgrades on manu item will boost +1 PA on the gear (+10max would grant +10%PA)

1.5x the value of blood gem, rejuv gem, etc. Currently 19 being max, even with 3 sockets, that would be 57% MPR max, which would be kind of garbage(unless you upgraded to +10 and offset its balance)

at 1.5x, each highest valued gem would be let's say 28% each. 3 of those gems would mean 84% mpr for example, now that's worth manufacturing.

Have each high tier gem harder to create of course, because having 3 max gem would kind of surpass the current maxed out Vortexed gear.

Create a second tier Magic Gem items that allows Magic Gem item to be up to 15% in its value by combining two Magic Gems.

For example:
Combine PA8 Sapphire and PA8 Sapphire, 2 Merien Stones and 2 X Stones and a Crystalware to craft a Superior Magic Sapphire that has PA up to 13% in this case (based on calculation and the purity and quality of the original material.. I'm not a math genius but I'm sure Cleroth can figure this)

I think this would stimulate a lot more crystal miners. Currently it's very hard to make a 10% MA/PA magic gem, but 9% is somewhat attainable and once you have the 9%, not many people are gonna waste time chasing that 1 extra % for such hard work. But if the the reward is capped at 15%, more people would go for mining and would make the D2, ML Mine a lot more interesting.


I think maybe upping the slots on menu items to 4 max on Helm Chest Legs and Berk and just make an upgrade to the highest gems that you need to craft up using stones and double of the highest gems we have now

The 19 gems could go up to 24 (MR DR HP MP)
so 4-24 gems in an item will be 96 and that lands just below a14 enchanted item

The 7 and 6 gems could go up by 2 so

7 > 9pa gem
6 > 8ma gem

And having 4 in a item will be 36 and 32 respectively
So that lands at a 12 PA enchant and 10 MA enchant.

The crafting mats needed to upgrade a gem could be something like.

1- X stones

1-M stones

*New rare item*
A Claw of Helclaw
A Horn of tigerworm
So you need to hunt or buy the new rare items and could even fail an upgrade at maybe a 10% or so fail rate