Improve maps
Add more mobs to D1 & D3
Currently D1 & D3 are completely unused besides when someone clears the center on there way to D4
Lower level limit to DV
While rebirthing DV is basically the meta unless someone is getting powered. Waiting to get to DV level can be quite obnoxious and because DV is so good for rebirth parties there are no longer any garden parties so its just a slow grind to 50 until you can go join everyone else in DV unless you are getting powered
Remove Tier 1 Mobs from SW and add giant trees and stalkers
Remove the trash mobs from SW to make it more difficult and add something to differentiate it from DV
Add a TW spawn or gold chest into ML mine
Just a little spice to the map
Remove useless pits from ML like zombie/skellies/scorps and replace with a more relevant mob and move the pits to a less "trafficed" spot in ML
I could probably count on my hand the number of times ive seen these pits actually used. Currently the only purpose they are serving is to recrit and stun enemies while youre chasing
Add more quests on each map
Pretty self explanatory. I think everyone would love more quests especially in the lower level maps where it could really be beneficially. Something besides orcs at lower levels would be fantastic.
Add HC's to T2 mid
Currently T2 is rarely ever used. Some solo hunters might use the outskirts and LMF used to have archery hunts in mid but other then that i havent seen much use of T2. Currently all the mobs in T2 are provided in pits in T3. Granted you cant always use T3 pits due to the other towns control. If HC's were added to T2 mid it might provide enough incentive for guild's to party up more often and venture in
Yes to everything.
I would also change one ants pit and one snakes pit from city to a skels and zombies at this point.