Party Leader for events
It would be cool if one person could be voted as party leader by party members, and their party chat would be a very noticeable type, maybe reuse purple? (Colourblind people please add feedback!)
This would allow better coordination.
Voting rules could be set that if there are fewer opposition votes compared to the yes votes it goes through.
yes it could be trolled, if people troll it on spy accounts better to see who the spies are anyway...
This is a good idea for better coordination in a big party for any event or raid too.
Some extra-features ideas:
Leader party can chose 2 (support/assitant) for better coordination.
Vote can be very simple in f5 > party (name > vote for leadership).
If 90% of the active party (non-afk) is positive the vote passtrhoug and new leader will be selected. Leader can be removed same way.
Leader could have different chat color and no cooldown in party chat.
Beyond that:
Any possibility to add cooldown of 1 second to a party chat, this for prevent the spammers of "0000000000" or nonsense chatting when the event is heat on.
Add one tp with it for crusade !