Archery Rework

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I think we need some improvements on the archery talent.

The Pro's:

Good at PVE (Ele Bow)
Early lvls progression is great
Very lategame PVP is decent/good

The Con's:

Your leveling curve feels smooth from lvl 10 - 60 and 120-140 only. 
All other classes do -> GREAT<- at PVE AND PVP
Damage is shit until you get paid gear. Literally. Direct Bow will carry you up to cyclops at very best.
Accessibility is shit; the only item in reach for any non p2w whale is Ele Bow, which is great PVE and easily countered in PVP.
Your non viable, and useless in most mid-late tier PVP unless you rock a full hero set + Dark elf bow + Abby ring (insert your credit card here)
All your attacks get countered in pvp 100% (PFA/APFM) and there,s this weird mechanics that when you shoot in diagonals you have drastically less accuracy.
You have to stop moving to shoot a warrior = if he runs there's no fight happening.
Very few talent options to be viable (Xel, Merien I'm looking at you)
You have to own some kind of other weapon or rare unique weapon as a SIDEARM to be decent PVE in lvl 80-120 range and help with leveling against certain type of mobs (Again +25 ~ 250c), you also go with a Experience% Weapon because you want to get out of this hell hole of 50+lvls progression as soon as possible
2 handed, no stated weapon. No exp buff for us.
Heavily needs all stats to get decent (High Str+ High Dex + High Luk + Zerk) which means, no VIT at all. I accept very low vit but no vit? You absolutely have to go Xelima for late game PVP means EVEN LESS VIT. Means even more high-end costy PVP Gear.
If you go Merien you love the attackspeed in PVE in some cases but your damage gets down to shit making all this process not worthwhile.

What we need:

Push DE Bow @ + 11-12 dmg (maximum)
Add 2 new bows to help further progression, a blacksmith one at 7 dmg and another medium rare droppable at 8 dmg. We still wont be able to carry in pvp so.. it's mainly for smoothing the leveling curve.
Add stated bows for Short and longbows. (EXP / Light / Endurance / Gold / Crush Chance)
Passive tree needs maybe a little push; like 5-10% Defense Ratio Bonus, remove ability to wear plate, 10% Attackspeed with bows, +20% Stamina Regen..
I would ask for DE bow to reach up to 14 base damage and have 6-8-10-12dmg bows in the progression, but i know the warrior mage playerbase would be gatekeeping it. We need to be at least DECENT, WITHOUT the 250c bow and the 200c pvp kit. At least let me poke people with 20-30 dmg rolls... doing less than 10dmg, IF I HIT. with xelima zerk 150str directbow+3, are you fucking kidding me.

My conclusion;

A class that lvls good at early rebirths; does pretty poor during 50% of it's leveling process. Needs high end gear for both PVE and PVP. Only viable (and it's decent at best) at very high stat points/itemization. You could use this talent as a LUK Pve Farmer but the high luk sucks your stats to the ground, which means more painful and slow farming, for a 20% Loot increase on a 0,0000X % Number. ''Meh, you can PVE pretty good and do double hits so you have loads of utility'' yeah, i can kill that cyclop maybe faster than you, while if I get ganked by a dude, he'll hit me 100-170 per crit while I'm running around and cant do SHIT but para and run, or try to shoot him for a marvelous -9 dmg. Have to play another weapon so I can hit the guy... another weapon than the talent I chose... how does that make ANY sense ?

While some other talents like >> Holy <<  which is a UTILITY/SUPPORT talent, packs up so much better stuff !

Better Para
Better Heals, AoE Heals
Divine Touch great Nuke DPS
Casting speed.

Please give it some love.

Nomades Audiovisuel

Approved 100%. The talent need some love tho; the line is not THAT thin between underperforming and OP.


The problem with bows are always the same, if they hit harder make mages useless, maybe some change should be disable fly on bows... to avoid this problem. And about the problem of make good bows is that normal wars can use it... maybe disable bows if you are not archery ?

Archery is super complicate to balance.. imagine a bane deb player, destroy you a mele as bane and when you run, destroy you as archer... so op.