Full Credit/Trade system/Auction system.

  • updated

This is something i feel could be easily implemented if coded correctly. A full on Market style system. Keeping the traditional Cash Shop concept but expanding onto it with full featured menus and such. Something like a Live Auction system accessible through an NPC in BI that will allow players to auction items for credits or whatever else. This could help newer players (like myself) to earn some credits a bit faster. Especially if all you have to offer currently are small 1-5c frags and such. This could really revive the economy and also help put some player controlled price checks/balances into place. 

Francisco Judd

We've been fighting to have this for years :(

miguel garcia

I have to say that I'll definitely second this, they can even charge sellers a small fee for the convenience of just exposing their fragments or items upon the sale of the item.


It won't be easy at all, I'm sure there's already a version that could be released, but it's very risky to do such an update. The server's economy could be broken in 2 days.