
  • updated

RB 21:

MPS: 1.000  | Gold 10.000.000 | Eks: 200

Reward when finish that RB: Dark/Paladin Hauberk

Image 110


RB 22:

MPS: 2.000 | Gold 20.000.000 | Eks: 400

Reward when finish that RB: Dark/Paladin Leggings

Image 111


RB 23:

MPS: 3.000 | Gold 30.000.000 | Eks: 600

Reward when finish that RB: Dark/Paladin Helm and Hat

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RB 24:

MPS: 4.000 | Gold 40.000.000 | Eks: 800

Reward when finish that RB: Dark/Paladin Armor and Chain

Image 109


RB 25:

MPS: 5.000 | Gold 50.000.000 | Eks: 1000 + Hero Cape

Reward when finish that RB: Hero Cloak

Image 112


The main idea is:
After RB20, you do not receive extra stats points anymore, but you will receive 1 unique item for a new set.

Those new armors will be bonded, and you can merge a normal armor (like capes/hero capes) into this new Dark item.

Example: If I have a Light 60 DR 100 Plate, I can put those attributes in the Dark Armor/Chain.

Dark items can't be vortexed (But it has a little extra pa/dr so it will match a vortexed pa/dr armor).
- It will give old players some extra new purpose

- "New" sets design into game

- No game impact

Francisco Judd

They should be replaced with the normal Hero Set, not with stated armor. In my op.