New rare item: Water skates
New rare item: Water slippers and ice skates
Water slippers:
+ Gives you haste when its raining
− Attacks have a 100% chance to stun you
− Lightning spells will paralyze you for 1 second, even through pfm and amp
Tight fit: Can't be unequipped for 10 seconds after taking damage
Drops: giant frog, cannibal plant, slime, troll, giant tree, master mage orc, fishing
Ice skates:
+ Gives you haste when its snowing
− Attacks have a 100% chance to stun you
− Fire spells will paralyze you for 1 second, even through pfm and amp
Tight fit: Can't be unequipped for 10 seconds after taking damage
Drops: ice golem, nizie, frost, unicorn, fishing
The shoes could be unrepairable.
The shoes can have like 15000 durability or so, and make each tile moved use 1 durability = 1 pair of shoes can be used for running 15000 tiles, and then they would break. Kind of similar idea as items bought with tokens or ruby ring.