Reduce Vitality damage reduction on high vitality

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Current damage reduction formula: `Vitality / 10` magic damage reduced (halved for physical)

Image 5

Proposed new formula: (Vitality - 10) ^ 0.6707 / 2.5

Image 7

Quote from Jess

Anything that reduces physical damage reduction is a step in the wrong direction. Warriors do incredible damage these days as is. Reducing the magical damage reduction would be welcomed considering the opportunity windows for damage are already razor thin. If anything, reduce damage between physical and magical damage.

This is reducing both for characters with 80+ vit.

  • Declined
Hernán Martínez

If anything, I would consider creating diminishing returns for vit, to punish high vit players.

Remco Althuis

The damage on this server is insane. Mages who can 1-shot a player, even 200 vit, when they are not in a MA set is ridiculous. If anything, the insane amount of damage output should be reduced. How fun is it to get killed in 1 hit

I think what you want to achieve, is to do something about the insane dmg reduction some people have, but that has nothing to do with the vitality stat. People which choose high vitality limit themselves on other areas - eg no haste/berzerk/amp and no high dmg as they hit -50 instead of -180. And with PR/Medus neck the dmg if the tank spec can even be completely nullified

If something needs to be done to nerf dmg reduction at all, then it’s not in the vitality stat but in the insane armor sets people can have. Mitigate the maximum levels of PA/MA - eg do not allow single items to het higher then PA/MA30 or total PA/MA only until 70 instead of 80. 


Anything that reduces physical damage reduction is a step in the wrong direction. Warriors do incredible damage these days as is. Reducing the magical damage reduction would be welcomed considering the opportunity windows for damage are already razor thin. If anything, reduce damage between physical and magical damage.