Lock items in bag preventing from accidentally dropping them

  • updated

In order to prevent dropping items accidentally from bag, I think it would be nice to lock them into the bag area similar as bound items that cannot be dropped. You can always lock and unlock the item. Obviously, you can still drop them if you get killed without zem. There is a similar feature with a window that asks for dropping the item with an emerging windiw. I think this feature is old and a "padlock" for locking items would be safer since you can accidentally click and drop the item with the current system.


Bzz HB

I'm torn on this because, while I fully understand the fear of accidentally dropping a valuable item from bag, I think it is part of the skill cap in the game which is inventory management. All of the skill in this game comes from your mouse movements and key/click inputs. Reducing the margin of error reduces the skill cap and associated risks taken. The risk of dropping your hard earned items drives some of the greatest highs and lows in the game. Anyone who has nearly dragged an item from their inventory or realized they've been fighting for 30 minutes without a zem can relate I'm sure. All just part of the game.

Hernán Martínez

There's already an upvoted idea asking for this. While I agree that inventory management is important for helbreath's gameplay in general, I don't think that accidentally dropping items is particularly relevant to the pvp or the game in general, so a way of preventing it would be a welcome addition.

Remco Althuis

Agree with Hernan and the idea, dropping items for me is not part of the Helbreath experience and what makes the game great

Crate Enthusiast 6000

I need this in my life. I think something to fix all item locations would be good, click a padlock or something and all items cannot be moved. Nice QoL