Enemy Kill Assist
Add an EK support that could be counted towards total EKs. Currently there are alot of "support" builds but they rarely are able to land an EK.
Add some sort of system to get an assist if you do any sort of supportive damage/para/etc to the enemy that dies or any supportive spells to the person that does the killing blow to the enemy such as haste etc.
This would add more of an incentive to players to work together instead of just blasting everything at the enemy in hopes of landing an EK and also support builds will feel like they are getting something from PVP also
Everyone seems to like the idea but not the implementations so to expand on others thoughts:
Firstly getting an assist shouldn't be particularly easy, and the implementation has to be fair to warrior and magic classes in terms of who gets the assist.
EK Assists are accumulative and a separate category than EKs but can be turned in for 1 EK per 8- 10 assists for warriors and 20 assists for mages and you can gain an assist by doing the following:
Paralyzing a person who is killed by another player during their paralysis where the damage inflicted during paralysis is >= 50% of the players max health.
Providing the second most damage to a player in the last 10 seconds of their life using a first-in last-out queue method of tallying damage, in this case the damage must be >= 50% of the max health of the dead person to qualify for the assist.
Defense-Shield, GDS, or PFAing a person who then dies from person-inflicted magic damage within the period where the respective spell is active.